Sunday, January 28, 2018

Chapter 3- Confidence in Conflict

Believers often find themselves in different kinds of conflict; opposition from the world; forces of evil, our own doubts; and personal failures. God has given us instruction and guidance through the word. Why would we not cultivate a life of obedience. God has given us the example of sacrificial love in the life of Christ. Why would we not practice this example? God has given us His Holy Spirit to guide us into righteousness. Why would we not excercise this power to live righteous lives?

These conflicts are designed to test us. John appears to believe that the test will leave us more confident having passed them, and so the approach John uses is almost shocking in it's extream boldness. He suggests that confidence comes from complete obedience, sacrificial love for others and radically righteous living. To those looking for a way to win God's favor these requirements seem impossible, and they are. Fortunately these are not the entrance requirements, they are the results of our faith in God, and our love for HIm. While it is true that our relationship with Him will produce these things, our confidence will never come from our effort or performance, it will always come from our trust in Him and His ongoing transformation of our lives.

This week our study will include the passage from 2:18 - 3:24. (Don Stewart explains how the chapters and verses were not added until after the 13th century. Originally the scriptures were written to encourage people to read the books all the way through rather than breaking them up into small sections.)

The first few comments are simply designed to organize replies into groups for convenience. As you reply to these comments your insights will be grouped together for these main topics. Feel free to add comments off topic, or for general questions or ideas as additional comments.


  1. As children (v28- 3:3) there are some things we share that help us face conflict, and there is a process that we should follow.

    1. One thing we share as God's Children is a hope in Christ's return and the relief this will bring. This hope should help us stay connected to Christ, and helps put our challenges in perspective.

  2. CHILDREN HAVE RESPONSABILITIES to themselves, and to the family. John's cousel here is forceful, but not in any way threatening. What is important in this section (v4-10)?

  3. Verses 11-15 refer to Cain (Genesis 4:1-16) what insights apply to us from his story?

  4. What alternative to Cain's story is offered in verses 16-18?

  5. What specific things build our confidence through conflict in verses 19-24?
